3. Demons Attacking – As a Result of What Someone Else May Have Done to You
This particular area has always been one of the most bothersome areas that I have ever come across when investigating and researching this part of our walk with the Lord. It’s one thing to draw demons in on you as a result of your own sins and transgressions that you have committed against the Lord.
Most of the time in that area, you have nobody to blame but yourself for choosing to cross over into areas that you knew were forbidden territory by the Lord in the first place.

But this now brings us into the third major level when having to deal with direct attacks from demons. What happens in this area is that sometimes demons will be allowed to come in and attach themselves to a person as a result of what someone else may have done to that person.
Some examples of this would be women who have been raped, people who have been ritually abused in Satanic groups, people who have been victims of certain types of crimes and assault, women who may have been severely physically abused by their husbands or boyfriends, and children who have been severely abused by one or both parents – either physically or verbally.
When I first came across this phenomenon, I wondered why God could allow demons to attach themselves to people who have been horribly abused or wronged by another person. This person was usually completely innocent of sinning or transgressing against God.
So why would God allow demons to launch a full scale attack against the victim, especially if that victim is a born-again Christian? Christian woman are being molested, and physically beaten every day across this country.
What happens in some of these types of extreme cases is that demons, once they see that person being physically violated to this kind of an extreme degree, will realize that there might be a hole in that person’s hedge.
Once they see this kind of an opening, they will then try and move in to see if they can attach themselves to that person.
What demons are looking for in these kinds of extreme cases is what that person’s response is going to be to the violation.
If a woman has been raped, the demons will see if that person will start to exhibit and manifest emotions of hate, anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness.
God will obviously allow the person to have some of these kinds of emotions right after all of this has occurred as a result of the initial knee-jerk reaction most of us would have to this kind of severe trauma. I do not believe the demons can get a foothold into that person right off the bat.
But if that person does not start to work themselves out of these kinds of negative emotions over a certain period of reasonable time, then the demons will have something they can attach themselves too, and that something are the negative emotions of hate, bitterness, and extreme anger that will settle in that person’s mind, spirit, and emotions over a certain period of time.
And once the demons attach themselves to those kinds of negative emotions, they will then start to try and work it – trying to increase the frequency and intensity of those emotions.
We have another article in our site titled, “How to Handle Negative Feelings When Wronged by Someone Else.”
This article is in the Psychological Issues section of our site. In this article, I give you all of the appropriate Scripture verses on being able to deal with this kind of heavier problem.
The Bible tells us that whenever we get ready to stand before the Lord to pray to Him, that we have to be willing to fully forgive anyone else who has ever trespassed against us – and that will include any vicious criminal who may have raped, assaulted or robbed you, or any violent and psychotic boyfriend or husband who may have physically abused you.
The Bible tells us that if we do not forgive others who may have trespassed against us, then God will not be forgiving us when we trespass against others.
And then to top it off, God may not even be willing to hear any of our personal prayers with the way He has this particular verse worded. And if He won’t hear any of our personal prayers, then we may have little or no chance on getting delivered from any type of demonic attack that may have come our way.
The first thing any good deliverance minister will do on these types of heavier cases is to make sure the person will be willing to fully forgive all of the people who have seriously wronged them in this life. Until this person is willing to fully forgive all of their trespassers, the demons cannot be cast out.
The demons have been feeding off those negative emotions for quite some time and as a result, a mental stronghold has developed in that person’s mind and thinking. To start God’s inner healing process, this person has to be willing to fully forgive the person or people who may have hurt them in these more extreme types of cases.
Once the person is willing to fully forgive all of their trespassers in the eyes of God, then that person can turn around and verbally engage with the demons, telling them that they now have to leave them in the name of Jesus Christ.
4. Demons Attacking – As a Result of a Generational Curse Line
Another very disturbing area in the realm of having to do battle with demonic spirits is the area where demons can sometimes jump from abusive and dysfunctional parents onto some of the children – trying to get some of the children to manifest the same aberrant and dysfunctional behavior of their parents.
A perfect example of this would be a severe alcoholic parent. The children grow up seeing and watching their parent live a good portion of their married life in this state. As a result of that parent crossing over into this kind of heavier sin area with the Lord, demons will be allowed to come in and attach themselves to the alcoholic parent.
And once they attach themselves to the alcoholic parent, they will then look to see if they can target anyone else in the family to attack.
Again, the children are completely innocent. They themselves are not an alcoholic. They have done nothing themselves to draw the demons onto their alcoholic parent. So why would God allow the demons to be able to jump onto some of the children to try and get them to do the same thing they have been able to get their dysfunctional parent to do?
In some of these types of extreme cases, one or two of the children could end up becoming alcoholics themselves.
What is happening behind the scenes in the spiritual realm is that the demons will try and get some of the children to move into this same kind of extreme activity, especially as they get older and move into their own marriages.
Demons cannot make you do anything. You will always have your free will to choose whether or not you will act out on their evil suggestions and promptings. All demons can do is try and persuade you to cross over into these kinds of extreme realms.
Many children who end up crossing over into some of these same extreme areas are really operating under heavy demonic influence. This is a perfect example of God telling us in His Word that His people will go into captivity for having lack of knowledge.
Many children are crossing over into the same extreme realms that their parents were walking in as a result of not having the appropriate knowledge to fully understand what is really going on behind the scenes in the spiritual realm.
Once again, God the Father gives us some keen insight from His Word as to why this kind of activity is being allowed to happen in some families. God tells us in His Word that the sins of the fathers can be visited down to 3 or 4 generations of future children.
Here is the verse where God is making this specific statement. This verse is from one of the actual 10 commandments, the second commandment.
“You shall not make for yourself any carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.” (Exodus 20:4-6)
Notice in this verse that God is using the word “visiting” – visiting the sins and iniquities of the father directly onto the children, traveling as far down as 3 or 4 generations of these future children.
What does God mean by the word “visiting?” I believe what God may be trying to tell us is that there will be severe consequences for certain types of sins and iniquities committed by parents of children. The Bible tells us that the “wages” of sin will be death.
If the father of a family is an extreme alcoholic, then the family could end up living in a miserable, oppressive and terrible environment. As a result of this kind of severe transgression against the Lord, the family could end up living in poverty.
As a result of living in poverty, the children may end up not getting the best education or the better opportunities to progress and grow into what God may have been calling them to become in Him in the first place. As a result of being raised up in this kind of a poor and oppressive environment, some of these children will never find God and what His purpose and divine plan would have been for their lives.
Some of them may end up becoming alcoholics themselves. And then from there, they will marry, and then they will end up treating everyone in their families in the same way their fathers had treated them. And then they have children, their children see and watch their dysfunctional behavior, and then some of them end up repeating the same behavior as they grow older and move into their own marriages.
You thus have the sin of one father being visited down several generations – all because no one knew how to break the curse line that had developed as result of the original sin from the first sinning alcoholic father.
All of this kind of negative activity could perfectly describe what God is trying to tell us in this verse. And then to possibly top it off, you have demons who will come in and feed off this kind of extreme behavior through the alcoholic parent, making everyone else’s life in the family miserable as a result.
You walk into these kinds of houses, and you can literally feel yourself walking into a dark oppressive cloud.
What happens in this kind of scenario in reference to actual demonic activity is that demons will target some of the children to go after. They will try and attach themselves to the child at an early age and start to try and pull them into this darker way of living.
If that child is a born-again Christian, they will try and sever the child’s personal relationship with the Lord. They will attack their mind, their emotions, and their sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. Many of these children grow up with low levels of self-esteem and self-confidence as a result of all the verbal abuse they have had to put up with from their dysfunctional parent or parents.
When the child gets old enough to leave the home, the demons will follow the child and will still try and stay attached to them. I have personally run across several woman who had demons following them into their adult life and literally attacking them on a periodic basis.
They would then command the demons to leave them in the name of Jesus, but that would only work for a short period of time, and then the demons would come back for additional attacks.
What is happening in the spiritual realm behind the scenes is that the demons apparently have developed enough of a legal right to stay attached to that child as a result of the sins and transgressions of the original sinning parent.
What the demons have now formed out as a result of the original parent’s severe transgressions against the Lord is a curse line between that parent and the child.
What this now means is that before you can cast the demons off you for good – you will first have to fully break the curse line that the demons have been feeding and operating on over all of those years from living with the original sinning parent.
We have another article in our site titled, Battle Prayer to Break a Generational Curse Line. This article is also in the “Spiritual Warfare” section of our site.
In this article, I give you a step-by-step process on how to properly break a generational curse line that may have originated from a dysfunctional parent or parents. Once you properly break that curse line, then you can turn around and verbally engage with the demons and command them to now leave you in the name of Jesus Christ.
In this article, I also give you the exact battle prayer I drew up for a 16 year girl who had this exact problem – with demons literally attacking her from time to time – and sometimes quite severely as a result of the demons who were on her natural father. What these demons were attempting to do was to jump and transfer down to her so they could then form out that curse line, which would then make it easier for them to be able to follow, torment, and harass her as she was growing into her adult life.
This girl was spiritually wise beyond her years. She had a very close powerful walk with her Lord and Savior, and she had quite a bit of knowledge on spiritual warfare. But what she could not figure out was why these demons were being allowed to chase after her and torment her like they had been doing for quite a number of years.
Once I received the background information on her and her family, it was very easy to spot where the demons were coming from. This article will explain to you how the father got the demons on him in the first place – and then how they were attempting to jump and transfer from him onto his daughter to form out a curse line so they could then continue to chase and follow after her into her adult life.
– An Introduction to the “4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits”
– First 2 Levels Of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits
– 3rd and 4th Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits
– Conclusion to 4 Levels of Spiritual Warfare Against Demonic Spirits
Sunday 22nd of March 2020
Reading these articles has really brought some kind of light into me. I am under spiritual attack and I am now realising that I have been in attack for more than 20 years. I have committed some of the heavy sins mentioned and until recently did I learn that they are really not just sins but that I have given demonic spirits an opening. I trully want to be delivered in Jesus name and surrender my life completely to Him. I honestly in the past never wanted to believe in all these spiritual warfares and I had a friend from a pentecostal church who would mention it to me. But I would just ignore it, but now I want to understand all about spiritual warfare,how to defeat the enemy and use God's word against the enemy. And mostly to commit my life to Christ forever! Please pray for me.
Sunday 23rd of February 2020
I believe I have all 4 levels. I was taken from my parents when I was 5 years old and put into foster care. There has been so much abuse and violence in my life.I have had dreams of the "end of the world" my whole childhood and young adult years-- including a dream at 8 years old where I was alone in a silent field when a tornado came down, picked me up and said "This is what you get for believing in God" and it snapped my neck. I started cutting at 7 years old and have struggled with feelings of wanting to commit suicide MY WHOLE LIFE and I'm now 37 years old. I have survived 3 very serious suicide attempts- the last one in 2015. I was in the Mormon church then- it was horrible. I left the church and started on a self healing journey- a journey of "enlightenment". Yoga, the Law of attraction, astrology, Runes, iching. For a couple years, things seemed so much better but the last year I came under spiritual attack. I went through 3 months of what the yogis in the New Age movement call "spiritual awakening ". I had a kundalini burst - but here's the crazy part- it was JESUS that burst through my 'crown chakra' . I prayed to God to show me the Truth and I was led to believe that Jesus IS real. I have always been a sensitive person who has an extreme capacity for compassion and empathy. I believe the Holy Spirit was waging war on my behalf and that God has been with me this whole time. But I am tortured and suffering. Please pray for me, I will try these prayers. Thank you so much for the information, it's the best I've come across thus far.
Timothy N
Sunday 15th of September 2024
@Amy, thanks for the share, I'd suggest looking for Bible believing church with deliverance ministry. Based on your comments, you have open doors for the devil and demons to mess with you. Mormonism is a cult and is not among the Christian denominations, some think yoga can open you up, New Age and kundalini and chakras are not of God and dealing with the occult.
Any involvement in the cult opens you up to unclean spirits. Things like seances, psychics, tarot cards, dream catchers, ouigi boards, horoscopes, palm reading, familiar spirits and talking to dead ancestors or 'gods' of other religions or making contracts with them (they are just demons in disguise), Any spiritual experience you have should be judged against the Bible, we are told to "test the spirits" as even the devil can appear/disguise himself as an "angel of light".
Read the Bible and seek God, don't give in to fear. Take it a step at a time. Be willing to renounce and give up these false religions and occultic practices to close the doors. There may be feelings/spirits of abandonment or rejection to be cast out with a deliverance ministry
Thursday 19th of December 2019
I don't know how I bumped into your article, but all you have described described my life, thou I don't drink alcohol neither do my siblings do, but our father who has become a real menace in the whole entire village in alcohol abuse... He is mad and abnormal talk and behaviour describes him when he drinks.. For us and I being ty first born, life is just miserable, it's just that we have a strong personality and mind...please help for I have reached a point where my mind tells me I HATE GOD
Sanjeev Shashikant Arole
Thursday 27th of June 2019
Please pray for me as I am facing a problem that I am talking to some one whole night and in the morning I am still tired because of lack of sleep. This conversation in the night makes me feel depressed whole day, and feels guilty. I do not know what to do. I read Scriptures I pray sometimes it is good, but when I sleep I get this problem, I feel very tired and want to sleep, I sleep but in middle of night I get awakened with this depressing thought. Please Pray for me
Sydney Dockery
Friday 21st of June 2019
I have a very complex story but I'm gonna try to sum it up. I'm currently 23 years old. In December of 2017 my life changed forever. Some type of jeep SUV literally spun into me around a curve. I was not speeding nor doing anything wrong. I was around seven and a half months pregnant. My precious 2 and a half year old daughter was with me. I still have flashbacks of the jeep spinning into me but it happened so fast it seems. I remember feeling as if the world were spinning and everything slowed down. My leg was extremely crushed, the bone broke right under my knee cap and I could see my broken bone gushing out my leg. The bone in my left arm that connects to my elbow did a 180 and damaged nerves which control my hand and wrist movement. I still til this day suffer from a drop wrist and I'm not sure of the medical name right now but basically I can barely use my left fingers/handvat all and have learned to compensate. My right knuckle and hand was also broken. It looked like I stuck my hand in a meat grinder. My very pregnant belly felt like jelly or like it was asleep.When I tried to exit my vehicle I didn't have the strength to get out of the car. Until I heard someone yell that the jeep was on fire. My first thought was is my baby girl ok. I dont want to get into details about that though. So I managed to slide to the ground on my hands and scoot little by little until about 30 secs later a man pulls up and comes up behind me and pulls me in the grass under my arm pits. I kept asking about my baby and he said a woman is getting her out right now. I played in the grass, scared to death in shock. The ambulance arrived and I was taken to a local hospital about 20 mins away. There I delivered a beautiful baby girl via emergency csection which I have no recollection of. I was then life flighted to Vanderbilt university in Nashville Tennessee. I woke up in a white room in a trauma unit surrounded by all kinds of other patients. I had a tube down my throat and could not talk and all I can remember is the tube really bothering me. I was covered in casts, really couldn't move and had so many questions. I have had a total of 5 surgeries on my leg which I can now walk on. 2 on my right hand which is almost good as new and 2 on my elbow which is still broken, that still requires surgery. (Waiting on surgery because of insurance insurance reasons.) I was in the hospital about three and a half weeks. My husband was at the hospital the whole time, but he was having to make some very tough decisions. Our two and a half year old daughter Kenzleigh Rae Dockery went to be with jesus. ❤ she was on life support for 3 days and was had severe brain damage. Its a very sensitive subject for me being I was in the hospital bed not knowing what was going on or all the details. My mom and husband told me the news. It's a heart wrenching pain like I could never describe. I was so mad at God. Why my baby? I will never be the same since. My newborn stayed in the NICU for about 3 weeks. I was not able to hold my baby until she was about 2 and a half weeks and even then she only sit on a boppy in my lap being both hands were injured.
Ever since the wreck I have a severe fear of being in another one and being in the car period. My anxiety is so high anytime I'm riding in a car. I also no longer drive. Today it was storming, I was supposed to go the store. I told my grandma I probably wasnt going to go due to the storm. She then tells me she believes I have a generational curse upon me! My grandma is one of the most influential aspiring Christian women I've ever known. She has a very personal relationship with jesus christ. She told me the holy spirit has told her that my whole life. I was shocked.
It all made since when I thought about it. I've been in several other accidents as well. I was in the middle of my small town going 40 mph and was hit head on by a drunk driver. When I was pregnant with my first daughter a semi was turning beside me and hit my driver fender with his trailer. I was not injured in either wreck. Theres been a few more small ones. Today my husband and I were driving normally down the road and ANOTHER ironically jeep pulls out of the gas station across the road in front of us. My husband had to swerve and almost hit a pole but did an outstanding job really. It was the most frightening encounter I've had since my wreck.
This is where it REALLY gets complicated- My parents were together a few years. About a year before I was born, my moms mothers brother died next to the road I live on, in a car accident. There were 3 other passengers not injured. However the driver of the vehicle was my dads brother. They were all intoxicated, I'm not entirely sure on what, I just know they were. It was a loose gravel road and my uncle was going too fast and slid into a tree killing my great uncle.
So, could this be a generational curse on me?? Is the devil trying to kill me thru a car accident? How can I know for sure? How do I break the curse? Anyone who has any advice, please let me know!
Saturday 3rd of August 2019
It sounds like you do,but you are not alone.I think most of us have a curse of some kind on us.Always go to the word of God (your sword)your weapon of defense.Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue.Speak life over yourself and your family.Plead the blood of Jesus over everything especially all the vechicles you drive.Sometimes we can curse ourselves and others not realizing that we are doing it.I remember my sister was perfectly healthy.On her 68th birthday she said mom died when she was 68 I hope it doesn’t happen to me.She died soon after that.Don’t say, I hope I don’t get in another car accident.DO NOT confess anything negative in your life.Stop opening the door to the enemy.Read Palm 91 over you and your love ones everyday.The enemy wants to destroy you.But Gods word says no weapon formed against you will prosper.Amen.Its time to get your weapons and fight 2 Corinthians 10:4 ,Ephesians 10-13. Look on UTube for Dave Roberson,I will be praying for you.You will give a testimony about how God delivered you and gave you the victory over your trails and tribulations.In the name of Jesus.He came to set the captives free.God loves you.If you ever have any doubt look at the cross.Love cast out all fear.You are God’s beloved.Act like it.Don’t give up.
Saturday 20th of July 2019
Oh my dear child, by the grace of God you have been saved, multiple times. I pray and believe you will be at peace now. The fear of driving and being in a car will lessen with time. Your story, along with what occurred with your relatives is a testimony to God. You will be able to share your remarkable , love, pain, and truth for the good of others.