This article started with a friend of mine was was really stressing out due to the fact that you cannot seem to find a good job right now. This was my reply to her.
Here a couple of thoughts for you to consider.
As you will see in the Scripture verse I will list below from the prophet Jeremiah – God will now be giving you a brand new future and a brand new hope for your life.

You Are Now Operating On A Different Playing Field!
Now that you have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and have made a complete and full surrender of your entire life over to God the Father – He is now in complete and total charge of your life!
When you make this full surrender with God, it is now His job to take full and complete care of you in every detail of your life – including finding the next new job that He will want you to move into.
There is not an area or detail in your life that God will not be willing to help you out with – no matter how small or trivial you think it may be.
The Holy Spirit is called “the Helper” in the Bible. It is now His job to help you in every single area of your life where you will need His help.
Here is what you will really need to ground on in your own personal walk with the Lord. Now that you are walking in God’s perfect will for your life – God will now be the One to fully guide you into whatever jobs He will want you to have from here on in. The choice is no longer yours!
What specific jobs you will now be taking will be very important in your own spiritual growth and development with the Lord. The jobs you will now be taking will be building blocks that will lead you into whatever His specific plan and destiny is going to be for your life.
This now takes the burden off you in trying to find the next right job. You obviously will still have to seek after the next job – but God will now be guiding your steps as you continue to seek after this new job, making sure that you always land in the specific jobs that He will want you to have at the exact time He will want you to have them.
You are now operating on a different playing field where the rules have changed a bit for you.
What this means is that if you go on a job interview and do not get the job, this means that God did not want you to have this job in the first place – and He was the One who closed the door on you getting that job so as to make sure that you did not go down a wrong path.
So when you keep getting rejected after several interviews, do not look at these rejections like you are a failure. Look at it that these were jobs that God did not want you to have in the first place, and that He was the One who was running interference so as to make sure that you did not end up taking those wrong jobs.
Remember – God already has your next new job all set up and planned out for you. All you have to do is simply wait for His timing to bring it to you!
I know the waiting can really get to you, but this is how God develops the fruit of patience and faith in your personality. You simply have to have full faith, trust, and belief that God now has your life completely in His hands and that He will now bring you the right job at the right time.
And not only does God have a set plan and a set future for your life – but He also has a set timetable in which all of these plans will manifest in your life.
You simply have to learn how to have patience during these waiting periods.
In the meantime, God will make sure and arrange that you have enough money and support coming in to help keep you afloat until this next job comes through. This is where you have to learn how to have complete faith in the Lord to do all of this for you.
Trust me, both Chris and I have been put through the waiting ringer plenty of times, and God has never failed to keep us afloat and open the door to the next step in our walk with Him when the time was right. You can take that fact to the bank!
The Scripture Verses
I will now give you some of the best verses from Scripture that will show you that it is now God’s job to fully guide you every step of the way as you now embark on this new journey with Him.
Study these verses very carefully! This is where many Christians really miss the boat with God.
Too many Christians are running there own lives and making their own choices instead of turning the reigns of their life over to God the Father for Him to fully handle.
Only God knows what your true potentials are in this life – and He is the only One who can arrange to have those full potentials maximized and realized in this life!
1. This first verse will specifically tell you that God now has a definite PLAN and FUTURE set up for your life. This is from the prophet Jeremiah and it is a very popular verse.
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Notice the words “to give you.” God is going to give you, to bring to you His specific plans and future that He now has in store for your life.
2. Memorize this next verse. This one liner is extremely powerful.
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord … “(Psalm 37:23)
Another way to look at this is that a step is one day in your life.
What this means is that God now has each day of your life perfectly planned out for you to the day that you depart from this life. You are now on the yellow brick road with the yellow color now being the light of God Himself.
Your job is to now live each day to its fullest, always trying to do the best at whatever God will be calling you to do for Him on that particular day.
If you can learn how to keep this kind of mindset, you will be less likely to throw pity parties when things do not go the way you think they should.
3. Study this next verse very carefully as it really applies to your situation
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9)
What this verse means is that at times you will have to plan things out, try to figure things out, start testing things out.
As you are doing all of this, God will then direct your steps as you are walking them out, and before you know it, you will then end up at the place where God will want you to be at.
This verse perfectly fits into what you are dealing with right now on your job situation. You now have to seek after this next new job, but as you are in the process of seeking after this next new job – God will then make sure that He perfectly guides your steps all the way so that you can then land in the next job that He will want you to have.
You will thus find it as you are seeking after it.
4. Here is another very powerful verse that will tell us that God will provide us with His divine protection if we are willing to listen to Him and follow His ways.
“But whoever listens to me will dwell safely, and will be secure, without fear of evil.” (Proverbs 1:33)
Notice the words “listen to me.” God leads – you follow. If you do, then God will give you safe and secure dwelling in this life and protection from evil things!
This is a very powerful promise for all believers. Many Christians find themselves in one dire circumstance after another as a result of not listening to God and doing what He wants them to be doing with their lives.
5. The next 5 verses will tell you that God will now be fully guiding your steps in this life.
- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5)
- Thus says the Lord, Your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)
- “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8)
- “For this is God, our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to death.” (Psalm 48:14)
- “The Lord will guide you continually …” (Isaiah 58:11)
Notice the specific words that God will “guide you continually, be our guide even to death, guide you with His eye, leads you by the way you should go, teaches you to profit, instructs you and directs your paths.”
These are extremely powerful words. All of these verses make it very clear that it is God’s job to fully guide and direct your steps in this life. And all of this is given to you free of charge.
This is why you can let go and let God.
This is why the Bible tells us that we can now cast all of our burdens and cares upon the Lord – because it is now His job to take full and complete care of all of us from the moment we fully surrender everything over to Him.
6. This next verse now goes one step further and specifically tells us that it is not our responsibility to direct our own steps in this life, that this responsibility now belongs to God and God alone!
“O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jeremiah 10:23)
Put this verse together with all of the other ones listed above – and it becomes quite clear that it is God’s job to direct our steps in this life – not ours!
7. This next verse is especially for you. Notice the last sentence where it tells you to trust in God, to wait patiently for Him, and that He will bring it to pass!
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass … Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” (Psalm 37:4,7)
I know it can get rather stressful and trying while waiting for God to bring this next job to you – but this is where you really have to give yourself pep talks from time to time when you start to get too down, just like a professional athlete does when he starts to go into a slump.
The professional athlete can either quit, or talk himself back into the game until he gets his swing or shot back.
In this game with God, we have to give ourselves pep talks from time to time, telling ourselves that God has complete control of our entire situation, that the ship is not going to sink, and that our breakthrough will come at the exact time that He has it set up to occur on His timetable.
Until that happens, do what the last verse says to do – “Rest in the Lord.”
Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy with all of the nervous energy that will start to eat at you and rob you of your peace and joy that you now have in the Lord.
When it is all said and done, you will look back on all of this and see that you had wasted a tremendous amount of negative energy, since it will have been shown to you that God finally came through for you.
Trust me – I have seen God come through time and time again without fail. There is a saying that many have heard – “God is never late, but He is never early.”
This means that God will come in with the breakthrough on His time schedule – not ours!
I hope all of the above will help give you some peace of mind. The Bible is truly the infallible Word of our Holy God, and you can totally and completely rely on what all of the above Scripture verses are trying to tell you.
Wednesday 19th of April 2023
This is a fantastic explanation! About three years ago I began to ask God to guide my steps. I go to him for everything. I don't make decisions without asking for his counsel. I ask the questions and then I wait on Him. And I know that "waiting" means I pray in the spirit every day. Sometimes He gives me the answer right away, sometimes he doesn't. And sometimes he will give me part of the answer and then gives me more as I continue to wait on him. The end of my lease is coming up, so I came to him and asked Him if I should stay or go. I was shocked because he answered me right away, however, he told me I would no more later (as I wait on Him). So now I know what to do about the lease, but I do not have any more details. Come to God for everything!! He will guide you and show you the way!!! I believe he has the best for me, therefore, I want his pick or choice of everything!
Tolly S. Richardson
Friday 30th of December 2022
I was in a hard place due to fact I was battling on how to let go and let God. I have been to many churches but never could grasp the meaning of all this. God then led me to a church which fed my spirit and open my eyes to the true goodness of God. I had lost everything trying to do it on my own and was tired. Facing repossession, eviction, and a host of other things. I needed to stop depending on man and begin to depend on my creator. After doing things my way I woke up one morning and prayed and asked God to help me read His Word for His truth was what I was seeking. I open up the computer and BEHOLD. This page was still up. I had read on how to test spirits. I began reading this passage and it was like God Himself was speaking directly to me. I was like what a second, so I kept reading then it spoke on finding a job which I am seeking one now. I was like what is this. My phone goes off with the daily scripture and BEHOLD Psalms 32:8 pops up. I had not read the whole article yet, so as I kept reading the scripture pops up on here! I screamed thank you Jesus! I felt the peace of God fall on me and I knew instantly He was right here guiding me. Thank you for your work in the Kingdom and I pray many blessings over you and as I keep exploring this site, I pray for all who reads this. God is amazing and never fails us. Believe His word to be true. Blessings to all
Wednesday 18th of November 2020
Im so grateful for your articles, bless you, in Jesus name, thank you. I have smiled for the first time today. I feel such relief because God led me to here and i see now.
tayo olorunnishomo
Wednesday 10th of June 2020
we just need to appreciating God without any complained, because for the fact that you are alive and you believed in God he will take you to promise land.
Thank you.
Judith Williams-Daka
Friday 4th of September 2020
I am so thankful for this article. I didn't really appreciate God my Father, as much as I do right now. It is so amazing to know about His indescribable love for me. I have all the time, always thought that I knew the extent of His love for me but now, I can say that I hadn't known until now. God's love for us cannot be fathomed. God my Father loves me and I'm so glad that I belong to Jesus and I'm glad too that He gave the inspiration to put this together for me to see and read tonight and my spirit is revived, waxed stronger, my soul is restored and I am alive again in Christ Jesus. Thank you and Gods' blessings always.
jenny harper
Thursday 26th of December 2019
I have a question in regards to the jobs. For example I have been in the same job for 5 years now. Although recently I got a raise with more responsibility however I was traveling out of state and staying he night in OKC but I went through a time where I wasn't sleeping for three weeks and got to the point where I wasn't sleeping all night. how do you discern wether GOd's hand is in this or not.
Sunday 21st of June 2020
I have a similar situation, I am working at a job which has me finishing at a late hour, and yesterday I took a taxi home so got home earlier and was able to sleep earlier, which helps, but the taxi cost 30$ - about two hours of work. There are other opportunities or possible opportunities but have casual hours for instance, even though I was initially told it would be weekends and optional weekdays. I am sometimes scared I will not do the right thing or listen to the voice of God/God's leading. Is it what falls into place that is Gods will? I mean I chose this job since I thought it would be interesting, and helping people, but it is taxing on me as well. May God help you Jenny, in your search and dilemma, as well as me. In Jesus' Name I ask, Amen. xo