For what it is worth, I thought I would pass this incredible testimony onto the rest of you. Awhile back ago on TBN, they had a middle-aged couple on one of their talk shows that were really anointed.
They had their own church and ministry, but I cannot recall where it was at. But part of their testimony was on the death of their young daughter.
Here they were, serving God full time with their church and ministry, and their daughter ends up dying at a fairly young age. I came in on the story right as they were talking about it. I did not catch the age of the daughter or what the cause of her death was.
The wife had really been wrestling with God. How could You take her away from us so early in her life, how could You allow this to happen, why didn’t You heal her, why didn’t You protect her?

Both the wife and husband were really having a hard time in getting over her early death with the Lord. They could not understand or get a direct answer from God as to why He allowed their daughter to be brought home at such a young age and rob the both of them the joy of seeing their daughter grow up.
After all of this wrestling with the Lord for quite sometime, the wife said she then received a direct word from the Holy Spirit that immediately set her free from her mental captivity. And boy did I get a whopper witness off this Word!
I will give you exactly what the Word was and an additional revelation that God gave the both of them on the death of their young daughter.
For those of you who have lost close, loved ones in your past – grab a hold of this direct Word from the Lord. This Word from the Lord has been used by this couple to set many other people free from the depression and anger they have slipped into as a result of not being able to deal with the death of a close loved one.
The wife said she was in the kitchen when she heard the Holy Spirit speak directly to her.
The words were: “Your daughter is no longer in the past – she is now in the future.”
Think about these words!
The wife said as soon as she heard these words – she immediately knew what God was trying to tell her and it immediately set both her and her husband completely free of the mental torment they were still going through with the death of their daughter.
God was telling them that their daughter was no longer in their past. She had died and she was now in heaven with God and Jesus!
God was telling them that they now had to move on with their lives, to let the past go, including the death of their daughter, and to continue to press forward into the divine call that He had placed on both of their lives.
Their daughter is now in their future!
When they both die, they will both cross over into heaven and be immediately reunited with their daughter once again.
God was telling them to change the “angle” with which they were looking at their daughter’s death from.
Instead of seeing her as being “dead in the past” – start seeing her as being “fully alive in heaven” – and understand that you will be reunited with her once again in a very short period of time.
Our time on this earth is not even a blink of an eye compared to the eternal time frame that is operating in heaven.
1. You have to step back and look at the big picture. We are all going to die and cross over – no exceptions!
Some just go sooner than others. When you die is irrelevant.
What you do with the time that you have down here is what really matters.
It’s quality – not quantity!
When you really grasp the meaning of the words that the Holy Spirit spoke to her – you understand that they should actually be rejoicing.
Their daughter is now in the most perfect place imaginable and they are both guaranteed to be reunited with her once they die and cross over.
They should be keeping the picture of their daughter in front of them – in their own personal futures – which will also be heaven for the both of them when they die and cross over.
Too many people are bound up with things that have happened to them in their past. They cannot let go of some of the bad things that may have occurred in their past.
As a result, their past slowly starts to eat away at them until they get to a point where they no longer have any joy or zest for living.
They then start slipping into depressions and then lose all of their desire to even want to live anymore.
2. Shortly after receiving this direct revelation from the Lord and being set free, they came across a woman who had also lost her son.
Her son had died about a year ago and the woman had slipped into a severe depression. She had literally boarded up her house, closed all the drapes and curtains, and would no longer even go outside.
She had completely shut down due to the pain and heartache she was going through at losing her son at what apparently was also a fairly young age.
This couple had given their testimony on the above revelation to a church this woman had been attending. The testimony was taped and one of the church members then slipped the tape to this woman who had boarded herself up in her house.
The woman took the tape into her bedroom. She listened to it over and over again all night along, literally until the sun broke at dawn.
When the sun broke at dawn, she later testified that she knew God was speaking to her through this couple’s testimony on this tape. She said the message and revelation from this couple that was on this tape set her free from the mental captivity that she had placed herself under as a result of not being able to see the truth of her son’s death.
The Bible says that the truth will set you free and this is a perfect example of this biblical truth coming into full operation!
Once she heard the revelation given by the Holy Spirit to this couple – she knew she had been looking at her son’s death from the wrong angle.
Her son is now in heaven and she should be looking forward to being reunited with him in heaven once she crosses over – not dwelling on his death, which was now in her past.
Once she fully grasped what God was trying to tell her, and it apparently took all night for this revelation to really sink into her mind, she was finally set free and was able to start fully living again.
This couple said that these specific words spoken to them by the Holy Spirit has helped many other people deal with the death of their close loved ones.
Bible Verses For Death of Loved Ones
1. Here are 3 good verses from Scripture that will back up the words spoken to this couple by the Holy Spirit.
- But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
- “… but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)
Look at the words in this second verse: “forgetting those things which are behind” and “reaching forward for those things which are ahead.” This verse perfectly lines up with what the Holy Spirit was trying to tell this couple – to let the death of their daughter go, which was now in their past, and to look forward, to press forward for the things which are now ahead of them in their futures.
And one of the things ahead for this couple in their futures will be their own physical deaths and their own crossing over into heaven and being reunited with their daughter, where they will never be separated from her ever again!
2. This next verse talks about plowing forward in hope.
This verse is telling us that each one of us should continue to plow for God with whatever time we still have left down here on this earth – with the understanding that we will eventually be reunited with all of our saved loved ones who have gone home before us.
And not only should we continue to plow forward with this hope in mind, but we should also be a partaker of that hope. In other words, really believe that when you die, you will be reunited with all of your saved loved ones, and this time it will be for good – for all of eternity!
Heaven is going to be the final and ultimate reward for all Christians. The Bible tells us that we cannot even begin to imagine all of the good things that God will have in store for all of those who will be entering into His dwelling place. But one thing we do know for sure – we will all be given the two greatest rewards any human can ever hope to receive once we cross over to the other side.
- We will forever be united with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ and we will be able to have direct contact and fellowship with the both of Them for the rest of all of eternity.
- And then to top it all off – we will forever be reunited with all of our saved loved ones who have made it into heaven, and we will once more be able to enjoy the friendships that we had established with each one of them while living down here on this earth.
Now that’s an incredible one-two punch that can’t be beat. And to top it all off, there will be mansions and who knows what else from God the Father.
For all those of you who have lost very close loved ones, you have to step back and see the real big picture – the real ending to the story.
So many people have lost the rest of their earthly lives because they could never get over the death of a close loved one.
And the reason they could not get over their deaths is due to the fact that they were looking at their deaths from the wrong “angle.”
The Holy Spirit gave this couple what I feel is a very powerful and liberating Word on this subject. He gave them a Word that was pure, solid, God-truth. And once you receive a direct truth from God the Father – it will set you free if you are willing to accept it and then work with it.
The other thing that happened with this couple is that before they received this direct Word from the Lord, they found themselves taking their daughter’s pictures and photos out of a lot of their family portraits because it was too painful for them to see her and to be reminded of her death.
After receiving the above Word from the Lord, they were then told to put all of her pictures back in with the rest of the family pictures.
He told them that she was not dead – that she was fully alive in heaven – and that they should all be rejoicing because their time would come when they would all be reunited with her once again.
They were told not to try and put her out of their memory. They were to keep intact all of her photos and all of their memories of her.
They were all to look forward to the future when they would once again be reunited with her in heaven.
When this couple received all of the above from God the Father through the Holy Spirit, they were then all set free from the mental captivity they had placed themselves under, and they were then able to pick themselves back up and get back into fully living in their present again.
The other revelation that the wife received from God the Father was on the question as to why – why did God allow her daughter to be taken home so early?
God basically told her there will be times when He will not tell you why He allows something specific to happen in your life, like the early death and departure of a close loved one.
Sometimes it may be better that you not know why God brings someone home so early. Maybe that person was going to have something really bad happen to them somewhere down the road and God wanted to spare them the pain of having to go through it – so He arranges to have them brought home early.
There could be many different reasons as to why God may have brought this person home early, and maybe with half of those reasons you are better off not knowing.
She finally came to the conclusion that if it was God’s will that she not know why He had brought her daughter home so early – that she would simply have to trust God that He did have a good enough reason to bring her home early and to let it go at that!
The Bible says that we can only “know in part.” We will never get all of the answers to all of life’s problems and dilemmas. God will answer many of our questions if He is properly approached.
The Bible says to “ask, and you will receive.”
But when God does decide not to answer a specific question you may have, then you have to accept the fact that He has a good enough reason not to give you His answer, trust that He knows what He is doing and what is best for the situation at hand – and then move on with the rest of your life.
If you don’t, you will run the risk of getting stuck in the misery of your past. And if you do not pull up out of the misery of your past, then you will never fully accomplish whatever God’s perfect plan and destiny would have been for your life.
For those of you who have had a very difficult time in accepting the death of a close loved one, really chew on the above Word given to this couple by the Holy Spirit.
For those of you who may know someone who is really having a hard time handling the death of a close loved one like a child, a spouse, a parent, or a best friend, give them a copy of this article and/or sit down with them and give them the above Word from the Spirit of God.
Share the above testimony with them on this couple and the other woman who had lost her son.
Pray that God will move in on them with illumination and insight so they can fully grasp and understand that even though the death of a close loved one is a very painful experience, that their loved one’s death is now a new beginning for them.
Their close loved one is now in the most perfect place imaginable and they will be reunited with them once again in just a very short period of time. This life on this earth is just for a very brief moment in the eternal scheme of things – but the life to come, where they are at now, will be forever.
Remember what the Holy Spirit Himself has spoken – your loved one is no longer “dead in your past” – your loved one is now “fully alive in your future” – which is heaven.
Karen Wright
Monday 3rd of July 2023
I am so very grateful for The Holy Spirit leading me to this article. This was me. Struggling to try and understand why God called one of our sons home to heaven early, leaving our son's young children without their father. The Holy Spirit told me I would never understand on this side of heaven. But He did answer my question on how God will restore was has been lost. Grateful for that. I now have to do what God has been asking me to do all along to live a full life - trust Him. Trust His word and not my emotions. Thank you for this article.
Diana Corrales
Wednesday 7th of July 2021
We lost the father of our son November 27, 2020 and I must say that I never imagined pain to be this bad nor feel it physically im having such a hard time but this article has given me alot of hope and I will be putting this in mind for sure thank you
SusieQ Tirado
Sunday 19th of July 2020
I have been mourning my husband for 16 years and then my granddaughter passed away 10 days ago at 20 years old. I have been depressed and blaming myself for not doing more for them. I feel sad that my Granddaughter won’t get to finish college or have a boyfriend and get married. I’m sad because she didn’t have an easy life. My husband was 58 years old and he died from cancer. After reading your story I feel better and will share with my son who is the a Dad. Thank you
Janet Vanderhorst
Monday 20th of April 2020
Janet Vanderhorst God knows what's best for our loved ones. i had to know and trust God that his will is done. My husbands journey was complete on 2/28/2020. i miss my husband dearly. when i read this article a peace of reassurance came over me.I know the Lord lead me to it this article. i was really having a hard time. I still get teary eye from missing him but God is my comfort through all of this. i was looking at it from another angle. something that was taught but not fully realizing the deepness of ones faith that God wont leave us nor forsake us and his holy word is true. Until your faced with it. The faith you spoke of is now going to be taken up a notch. Your true walk with our Father. His will be done. I know God is going to sustain me for His purpose, for his glory. I ask the Lord daily, for his purpose he has for me to be done on earth. For just a short time when the Lord has ended my assignment , i too will see God face to face and then be reunited with my husband of 37 years. I have his memories and love in my heart to hold on to.There is a place i long to be, in my savior's embrace...... We will all be free of life's cares. It gives me peace. i shared this story with another friend of mine whose husband left this side on 4/3/2020. I prayed that it gives her understanding and peace too. Oh what a time it will be! God be the glory.
linda nolden
Thursday 3rd of September 2020
beautifully said - i too lost my husband and after reading this, i too will look at my husband's passing differently - yes, we will cry, but we have to be happy for them and not keep living in the past. thank you
Saturday 15th of February 2020
Losing a child is a very unique life experience in one of which a parent does not come back from until they do and for the house of the Lord I cannot take solace from this experience because my experience with The Holy Spirit was quite different mine was one of redemption meaning all of those things that bothered me or people that bothered me in the past and the present was gone after the death of my son and the Holy Spirit entered my body and provided me with grace that was over several years ago and it still continues and will continue and I learn new things every day better very very important for me to follow my faith and do the word