Since we have opened up this site, we have received many questions from people all across the world. If I had to rank one question that might be one of the most frequently asked questions, it might be the actual title of this article – exactly how am I to be led by the Holy Spirit – and exactly how does the Holy Spirit communicate to all of us in this life?
As we all know, the Bible very clearly says that the sons of God are led by the Holy Spirit in this life. Once again, here is this most important verse:
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14)
Now that we know that the Holy Spirit will lead us in this life because the Bible now tells us so, exactly how does He do this? This is where you have to take some other verses from Scripture on this topic and put them all together like you would pieces to a jigsaw puzzle. Once you put these additional Scripture verses all together on this topic, then you will see very clearly the different ways that the Holy Spirit will use to help guide us and communicate to us in this life.

For the record, based upon the revelation that are in these additional verses, we believe there are 8 basic ways that the Holy Spirit will use to not only guide us in this life, but to also directly communicate to all of us from time to time. In other words, you can learn how to hear direct from the Holy Spirit Himself.
If the Bible calls the Holy Spirit our Guide and Teacher in this life, then this means He will attempt to communicate to all of us from time to time. Otherwise we will never be able to pick up from Him exactly what He is trying to teach us or tell us to do.
But before I get into these 8 basic ways that the Holy Spirit will use to communicate to us and lead us in this life, I want to make one more comment on this subject matter. If there are two subject matters that are rarely discussed in many churches today, it has to be in the area of spiritual warfare like we discussed so many times in our articles in that section, and in the area on how to hear from God and how to be led by the Holy Spirit.
My best guess on why most pastors do not attempt to educate their flocks on how the Holy Spirit will lead us and communicate to us in this life is either because they themselves do not have a full understanding on this subject matter, or they are too afraid to open up this subject matter to their flocks for fear that it will open up a door to the spiritual realm, and from there, they could possibly make contact with demonic spirits who will try to masquerade as the Holy Spirit or God Himself.
In other words, they look at this subject matter as being a kind of pandora’s box. They are afraid if they open up their flocks to supernatural communication from the Holy Spirit, then they may also open them up to communication to demonic spirits as well.
Granted, this is a possibility, but just because demons can attempt to counterfeit what God does, does not mean you have to throw out all of the supernatural ways that God will use to communicate to His people.
For example – per the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, demons can counterfeit the gift of tongues. But just because demons can counterfeit the gift of tongues does not mean that the gift of tongues from the Lord is still not real and that many of His people can still receive it in this day and age. We just have to be careful and learn how to discern when something is coming in from God and when something is coming in from demons.
Demons can also give false visions, false dreams, false healings, false prophecies, etc. But again, just because demons can do this does not mean that we should totally shut down God in those areas of our life, and refuse to accept the supernatural ways that He still likes to use to communicate to all of us.
Again, if there is one major area that many Christians are weak on because they have never been taught much about it, it has to be in the area of spiritual warfare, and in the area on how to be led by the Holy Spirit and how to hear directly from God themselves.
If you really study the Bible from cover to cover, God was supernaturally communicating to His people on a fairly regular basis. And if God is still the same today as He was yesterday, then this tells us that He still wants to communicate to all of us in those same supernatural ways.
We just have to learn what those different supernatural ways are – and then learn through a process of trial and error when it really is the Lord communicating to us, when it is demons, or when it is just our own natural imaginations and feelings talking to us.
I will break down these 8 specific ways God will use to communicate to all of us under the following 8 captions so you can keep all of these different ways properly sorted out. But before I do, I want to give you some very key verses from Scripture on the Holy Spirit Himself so this part of the walk will not scare you or intimidate you.
Key Scripture Verses on the Holy Spirit
The following verses I will now give you are major key verses on the Holy Spirit Himself, and they will all set the stage for you to be able to receive direct supernatural communication from Him from time to time.
Again, I know some pastors are afraid to open up this supernatural realm to their flocks, but these verses all are all straight forward and they are meaning exactly what they are saying.
As a result, I believe these verses should be taught by the churches so their people will at least know what the Bible has to say about this subject matter, and from there, each person can then make up their own mind as to whether or not they want to tread into these kinds of deeper waters with the Lord.
If God did not want this kind of information and knowledge in our lives, then He would have never put these kinds of verses in the Bible. But since He did, this tells me that He wants His people to have access to this revelation and from there, they can then decide if they want to try and develop this part of their walk with the Lord.
Now onto some very key Scripture verses on the Holy Spirit that will set this kind of stage up for you.
1. You Can Develop a Personal Relationship With the Holy Spirit
The very first thing you will need to know if you want to learn how to be led by the Holy Spirit is that you can develop a direct personal relationship with Him just like you already have with God and Jesus.
If the Holy Spirit is going to start to supernaturally communicate to you in a wide variety of ways, then the first thing you are going to want to do is to make direct personal contact with Him, since you are now going to be working very closely with Him if you want to develop this part of your walk with the Lord.
Here are two very key verses from the apostle Paul telling us that we are allowed to have direct communication and direct fellowship with the Holy Spirit Himself:
- “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14)
- “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit …” (Phillippians 2:1)
The two key words in these two verses are the words “communion” and “fellowship.” And both of these two key words are being tied in direct to the Holy Spirit Himself. In other words, the apostle Paul is telling us that we can have direct communion and direct fellowship with the Holy Spirit Himself.
Put those two key words together and they spell one thing – personal relationship. Not only can we develop a close personal relationship with both God the Father and Jesus Christ, but these two additional verses are telling us that we can also develop a close personal relationship direct with the Holy Spirit Himself.
These two verses will now set the stage for the next two verses.
2. The Holy Spirit is Our Personal Guide and Teacher in This Life
Before you can believe that the Holy Spirit can guide you, lead you, and teach you in this life, you will need the specific Scripture verses showing us that He does have this kind of personal ministry with all of us. And these next set of verses are going to give you that specific revelation. Here they are:
- “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” (John 14:26)
- “However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth …” (John 16:13)
When the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit will “teach us all things” and “guide us into all truth,” this tells us that the Holy Spirit has the ministry with each one of us as being our personal Guide and Teacher in this life.
And if He is going to be our personal Guide and Teacher in this life, then this means He will start to communicate to us so He can teach us what He wants to teach us. And our part will then be to learn how He will communicate to us so we can pick up that communication when He does start to release it to us.
Put these two verses together with the first two verses above about having direct fellowship and direct communion with the Holy Spirit, and you can tell that God is letting all of us know loud and clear that we can enter into this supernatural realm with the Holy Spirit.
If God is telling us that the Holy Spirit will be guiding us and teaching us in this life, then we can comfortably enter into that realm with Him so He can then begin to do that kind of deeper work with each one of us.
3. Do Not Resist, Rebel, Grieve, or Quench the Holy Spirit
These last set of verses I will now give you will put the icing on this entire cake. Not only does God want us to establish a direct personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, along with allowing us to be led and taught by Him in this life, but now God is going to take it one more step further.
These next set of verses are now going to tell us that we are not to resist, quench, rebel, or grieve the Holy Spirit. In other words, once the Holy Spirit starts to become very active in your life, and He then starts the process of guiding you and teaching you in this life, from there, God will want you to work very closely with Him. God will not want you to resist Him, quench Him, grieve Him, or rebel against Him.
Here are four key verses giving us these four specific words:
- “But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; so He turned Himself against them as an enemy, and He fought against them.” (Isaiah 63:10)
- “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22)
- “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you.” (Acts 7:51)
- “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30)
When you really study the intense wording of these verses, you can tell that God the Father is telling all of us loud and clear that once the Holy Spirit starts to move in on you and your life, that He will want us to work in cooperation with Him. God does not want us resisting Him, quenching Him, grieving Him, or trying to rebel against Him. If you rebel and resist the Holy Spirit, then you are rebelling and resisting God Almighty Himself and His Son Jesus Christ. And that is not a place you want to be in with the Lord.
The other thing to pick up on these verses is that they are more proof that the Holy Spirit does have a specific ministry with all of us and that He can become very active in our daily lives.
If the Holy Spirit did not have the job and the ability to become very active in our daily lives, then the Bible would not be using the words quenching, resisting, rebelling, or grieving the Holy Spirit.
If you are quenching the Holy Spirit, then this means He is already moving in on you to try and help you out. Otherwise, there would be nothing to quench. Same thing with the other three key words – resisting, rebelling, and grieving. If the Holy Spirit was not becoming very active in your daily life in the first place, then there would be nothing to resist, grieve, or rebel against.
All 4 of these words are very strong words, once again showing that the Holy Spirit is not only living on the inside of each one of us, but once He is in there, He wants to become very active in our daily life so He can help us complete our divine destiny with the Lord, along with helping us to become the kind of a person God wants us to become in Him through the sanctification process He wants to do with all of us.
You cannot fulfill your true purpose and calling in this life, and become the true sanctified saint God is wanting you to become in Him unless you have the Holy Spirit helping you out with all of this. This is why the Holy Spirit is called “The Helper” in the Bible. This is why Jesus has said that without Him, we can do absolutely nothing in this life.
Bottom line with these first three captions – the Bible is telling all of us very clearly that not only do we have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us as a result of accepting Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, but these verses are also giving us additional information that the Holy Spirit has a specific ministry with all of us – and that specific ministry is to guide us, lead us, and teach us in this life.
And if the Holy Spirit has the job of guiding us and teaching us in this life, then this means He is going to try and supernaturally communicate to all of us from time to time. And your job will then be to learn the different ways He will communicate to you – which will now take us right into the next section – the 8 different ways that the Holy Spirit will lead us and communicate to us in this life.
In part 2 of How To Be Led By The Holy Spirit, I will show you The 8 Different Ways the Holy Spirit Will Use to Communicate to Us in This Life.
Lemuel Aguirre
Sunday 2nd of July 2023
I love every teaching about the Holy Spirit. Thank you for this article. A sure foundation of the Ministry and Works of The Holy Spirit.
Monday 15th of May 2023
Love this article! It especially struck a chord with me when I read how many of today's churches don't like to teach their parishioners about the spiritual warfare that is all around us as it may scare them silly and lead them to only focus on things scary and demonic. In my humble opinion, there is also a much greater problem when parishioners are NOT taught that we are in the middle of a spiritual war in that it makes Jesus sound only meek and mild and yes, at times, uninvolved in our personal lives - which HE is absolutely involved. As Christian warriors who will at some point be facing the head DEMON (if we are alive in the flesh when it happens) we need to know EVERYTHING that God has given us in the Bible, sweet and not sweet, so we can put on that whole armour of God with knowledge and confidence in HIM.
Tuesday 21st of March 2023
This is absolutely, amazingly beautiful, powerful and profound knowledge.
Ever since the Holy Spirit led me to this site, I have and still learn more than I could have ever learned attending service. This is additional and very necessary knowledge that I plan to share widely.
I agree most of the topics discussed here, are never taught in churches. I am really grateful to know that The Holy Spirit led me here.
May the Lord bless you abundantly!
Adebisi Sangobiyi
Tuesday 16th of November 2021
I thank the Holy Spirit for leading me to your site, and I thank you so much for making yourself and your brother available to be used as vessels of honour for the kingdom of God and His people, may HE continue to uphold us till the end in Jesus name. Once again, thank you!
Maroa Jackson Tagare
Saturday 18th of April 2020
Personally impressed with your presentation. I now fully believe that the Holy spirit has been communicating with me.I thank God I also made an attempt to share with fellow Christians at our personal levels.I pray that the Holy Spirit grants us a lead in knowing more about how to work according to God's will.If God accept us fully He can make us the Moses, Abraham, Jacob and Elisha of this existing generation.More blessings as we seek the truth